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Facilitate meetings and groups face to face and virtual:

6hrs 10-4pm : Delegates – Max 6

This course will develop your skills to facilitate groups and meetings face to face and virtually.

Target audience

This course will give you the confidence and skills to Facilitate groups and meetings making them productive and timely. This course will give you various techniques to use depending on the outcome and group, enabling you to have structure and allowing the freewheeling that comes with great facilitation.


  • Planning, Structure & Technology
  • Your frame, background, and set up
  • Managing the conversation, questions and actions
  • Use proven skills and techniques to get your message across
  • Apply effective facilitation skills in leading sessions
  • Manage a process to reach desired outcomes for the group
  • Handle difficult people or situations
  • Adapt your style as appropriate to the situation
  • Use a variety of tools and techniques to aid facilitation

Additional Support

  • Follow up with any useful links and information to support the learning

Action Planning

  • Write down key actions to take away

virtual courses