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Communicate with Impact:

6hrs 10-4pm : Delegates – Max 6

This course will develop your skills to communicate clearly and effectively ensuring the message is received clearly in a professional manner.

Target audience

The target population is for anyone who uses communication channels that are non-face to face. Anyone who is in a role where most of the role requires communication via e-mail, telephone and virtual meetings.


  • Identify the right ‘tone of voice’ for your message
  • Keep your communication clear, professional and in line with company ethos and values
  • Understand the impact of communicating over e-mail, phone and virtual meetings
  • Identify those common pitfalls and how to avoid them
  • Use proven skills and techniques to get your message across
  • Planning, Structure & Technology
  • Your frame, background, and set up
  • Managing the conversation, questions and actions
  • Use proven skills and techniques to get your message across
  • Managing difficult people

Additional Support

  • Follow up with any useful links and information to support the learning

Action Planning

  • Write down key actions to take away

virtual courses