Microsoft Excel introduction to MACROS/VBA Coding
This course covers automation and customising of Excel using macros and screen items (such as buttons and menus). Delegates learn how to write macros using VB code and assign macros to screen items.
Course Outline
Excel introduction to MACROS/VBA Coding 1 Day
Who is it for?
Excel users who, at intermediate or advanced level, want to learn how to speed up and automate their work (or other users' work) in the application using macros.
Delegates should have a good grounding in Excel (any version) and be familiar with absolute Vs relative cell referencing, functions and formula syntax and sheet linking.
- Introduction and the Macro Recorder
- Introduction 2
- Demonstration 5
- Recording a macro 6
- Recording a macro with absolute references 8
- The personal macro workbook 10
- Assigning shortcut keys 12
- Deleting macros 13
- Recording a macro with relative references 18
- Exercises
- Creating and Editing Macros With VBA Macro Functions
- Macro storage concepts 2
- The VBA program (the VB editor) 3
- The program components 4
- Storing and handling macros (modules) 5
- Introduction to editing code 6
- Copying and pasting procedures 8
- Linking procedures together 9
- Create and use a user-defined function 10
- Auto-executable macros 14
- Exercises 10
- Objects and Dialog Boxes
- Introduction to objects 2
- The object browser 3
- Using the object browser and searching it 3
- Built-in dialog boxes 5
- User defined dialog boxes (message boxes and input boxes) 6
- Exercises
- Introduction to Controls
- Worksheet controls 4
- User forms 6
- Exercises 9
- Appendix A
Selected VBA Procedures
- IF…THEN…ELSE (Conditional Control Structure)
- SELECT CASE (Branching)
- The DO…LOOP control structure
- The FOR…NEXT control structure